Documents and reference materials
- 20160101 California Public Utilities Commission organization chart
- 20160103 Season of giving: Charities receive donations from Ranchos Water Company
- 20160105 CPUC approves Ranchos sale
- 20160107 Letter: Vote ’em out (Bell)
- 20160107 Complaint: CIVDS1600180
- 20160108 Condemnation action filed
- 20160108 Oak Hills hexavalent chromium warning
- 20160111 Missing the water mark
- 20160112 Unions on the run (Orr)
- 20160118 Ranchos sale finalized
- 20160120 Victorville mulls water rate hikes
- 20160122 Letter: Sign of the Times (Danes)
- 20160125 Ranchos invested millions into water system in ‘15
- 20160127 Letter: Robbing Peter to pay Paul (Mueller)
- 20160131 Valley Voices: Flint water crisis offers warning for Apple Valley (Carloni)
- 20150201 Here’s How to Fix Flint’s Water System: Privatize It
- 20160201 Apple Valley Ranchos’ name changes
- 20160201 Acquisition costs top $1 million
- 20160202 Commentary: Attorney General reins in shady bond practices (Coupal)
- 20160203 Conservation down again in Dec.
- 20160205 Water takeover costs
- 20160207 Letter: CPUC vs. Flint (Stockman)
- 20160207 Our View: Delays in releasing public records shameful
- 20160207 Commentary: Don’t blow up the CPUC, overhaul it (Tucker)
- 20160207 Varying levels found in study
- 20160210 Apple Valley official claims some residents bought by Liberty
- 20160210 Is transparency a one-way street? (Orr)
- 20160213 Liberty Apple Valley kicks off 2016 conservation program with high-efficiency toilet giveaway
- 20160214 Letter: Apple Valley newsletter (Mueller)
- 20160214 Adelanto: City seeks water rate study
- 20160212 Proposed amicus brief in support of real parties in interest
- 20160216 VWD Water Rate Study: Workshop
- 20160217 Letter: Roads and water (Post)
- 20160217 Victorville Water District: Council talks rate increases
- 20160218 How can conservatives embrace eminent domain? (Orr)
- 20160223 LAV Answer: CIVDS1600180
- 20160223 Letter: Ransom for water (Turnbull)
- 20160223 Letter: Shills for Ranchos (Christman)
- 20160301 Letter: Mayor propaganda (Bell)
- 20160306 Letter: Liberty Utilities (Rorex)
- 20160307 Residents’ voting rights initiative moves forward
- 20160313 Resident’s lawsuit against Apple Valley continued
- 20160318 Liberty Utilities surcharge approved
- 20160322 Letter: Maybe even triple the cost (Bell)
- 20160325 Video: Examples of water conservation at James Woody Park (Henard)
- 20160327 Glendale’s drought charge to remain at 75 cents
- 20160328 Verified petition for writ of mandate and complaint for declaratory relief: CIVDS1604968 (KKBS)
- 20160331 Video: Water leaks at the Horsemen’s Center (Henard)
- 20160401 Video: Water leaks at Civic Center Park (Henard)
- 20160405 Californians fall just short of goal
- 20160410 Liberty files for another surcharge
- 20160411 Voting rights initiative closes in on signature requirement
- 20160411 Liberty says bills ‘relatively flat’ over 3-year period
- 20160411 Video: Revisiting water leaks at Horsemen’s Center (Henard)
- 20160414 Video: Leak of the week — Civic Center Park (Henard)
- 20160417 Video: Leak of the week — Civic Center Park #2 (Henard)
- 20160419 Commentary: Billions in new bonds should not escape voter approval (Coupal)
- 20160421 Lawsuit against Apple Valley alleges Prop 218 violations related to Wastewater Division
- 20160421 Video: Epic fail — Golf Course water waste (Henard)
- 20160424 Video: Water usage at Civic Center Park (Henard)
- 20160425 Daily Press opinion poll
- 20160426 Video: Animal Services landscraping fail (Henard)
- 20160424 Video: Horsemen’s Park water tank inspection (Henard)
- 20160506 Video: Tour of the Apple Valley Horsemen’s Center (Henard)
- 20160511 Residents may decide water war
- 20160512 Video: Fire Station tour (Henard)
- 20160513 Video: Brewster Park maintenance (Henard)
- 20160513 Video: Civic Center epic fail (Henard)
- 20160517 Video: Easter Sunday water leak (Henard)
- 20160517 Video: Sidewalk fails (Henard)
- 20160518 Video: Town Hall maintenance (Henard)
- 20160518 Video: Civic Center Park pool waste (Henard)
- 20160521 Video: Dangerous conditions at Horsemen’s Center (Henard)
- 20160525 Video: Dangerous conditions at Civic Center Park pool (Henard)
- 20160525 Video: Dangerous conditions at James Woody Park (Henard)
- 20160530 Letter: Violation report (Lee)
- 20160603 Video: Safety inspection of Brewster Park (Henard)
- 20160603 Videos: Safety inspection of James Woody Park (Henard)
- 20160603 Letter: Liberty Utilities whopper (Christman)
- 20160603 Video: Safety inspection of Lions Park (Henard)
- 20160611 Video: Safety inspection of Corwin Park (Henard)
- 20160611 Video: Town of Apple Valley lift station (Henard)
- 20160612 Valley Voices: Citizens have the right to vote on water debt (Hanson)
- 20160612 Video: Town of Apple Valley curbing issues (Henard)
- 20160613 Liberty questions AV’s unauthorized water use
- 20160613 Apple Valley town staff ‘broke lock’ on Liberty Utilities vault
- 20160613 Video: Town of Apple Valley weed patrol (Henard)
- 20160615 Letter: Stolen water and public trust (Lee)
- 20160617 Cal Code Official Inspection Report: Apple Valley Golf Operations
- 20160617 Video: Town of Apple Valley lift station clean-up fail (Henard)
- 20160618 Forum … or Against ’em
- 20160619 Video: Town of Apple Valley Amphitheater municipal code violations (Henard)
- 20160620 Video: Town of Apple Valley Golf Course property inspection (Henard)
- 20160621 Video: Town of Apple Valley Golf Course signs (Henard)
- 20160621 Measure V
- 20160622 Video: Town of Apple Valley Golf Course restrooms (Henard)
- 20160622 Letter: Flint all over again (Bell)
- 20160622 Liberty provides receipts for Apple Valley Golf Course vault
- 20160623 Letter: Apple Valley government (Fuller)
- 20160623 Residents’ initiative qualifies for ballot
- 20160623 Letter: Water is life (McDaniel)
- 20160624 Video: Norm Schmidt Park inspection (Henard)
- 20160625 Video: What if Apple Valley owned the municipal water system? (Henard)
- 20160627 Video: Town of Apple Valley’s ‘communication breakdown’ (Henard)
- 20160627 Video: Town of Apple Valley’s ‘local control’ (Henard)
- 20160628 Video: Mendel Park inspection (Henard)
- 20160629 Determination letter from SCE
- 20160629 Video: Town of Apple Valley ‘Going Green’ (Henard)
- 20160630 Council seeks clarity on initiative
- 20160702 Letter: Town should be investigated (Lee)
- 20160712 Request for Public Records: BB&K contracts (Manning)
- 20160729 Town opts for own measure
- 20160805 Missoula’s win, Apple Valley’s gain?
- 20160807 H2Own
- 20160808 Letter: Apple Valley investigation (McCarthy)
- 20160831 Town paid more than $50K for ballot measure
- 20160901 Letter: Now public owned electricity (Bell)
- 20160901 Letter: Wading deep in Apple Valley (Lee)
- 20160904 Letter: Peter Allen supporting Measure V (Nassif)
- 20160909 Letter: Why no interest in roads? (Post)
- 20160910 Video: Town of Apple Valley Golf Course inspection: Part 1 (Henard)
- 20160911 Letter: Measure Waste (Carloni)
- 20160911 Letter: Sewer stink (Lee)
- 20160911 Letter: Town Hall wonders (Rice)
- 20160912 Video: Town of Apple Valley Golf Course inspection: Part 2 (Henard)
- 20160913 Documents link top Apple Valley official to #FlintWaterCrisis
- 20160913 Council to consider water rate hikes
- 20160913 Video: Eric Larsen (Liberty Utilities) corrects the Town Council and staff
- 20160913 Investigation: Flint / Apple Valley Connection
- 20160914 Apple Valley’s head of finance comes under fire
- 20160915 Apple Valley’s water transparency report reveals price tag at $1.5 million
- 20160915 Economic Speech (Trump)
- 20160918 Our View: The right to vote on big projects
- 20160918 Letter: Town Hall voices (Rice)
- 20160919 Adelanto council rejects water rate increases
- 20160920 Daily Press Candidate Forum (video)
- 20160921 Letter: 9/11 winners and losers (Stephenson)
- 20160921 Apple Valley water debate rages on
- 20160923 Opinion: Measure V is for voting to ensure government is accountable (Mann)
- 20160925 Opinion: Measure V respects Liberty Utilities customers’ rights (Sorensen)
- 20160924 Letter: Business, wonders, waste (Bell)
- 20160925 Letter: Water gobbledygook (Howard)
- 20160928 Letter: Double financial books (Rice)
- 20160928 Letter: One man, two opinions (Henard)
- 20160929 Letter: Time to go (Varga)
- 20161002 Letter: Reject Measure W (Allan)
- 20161004 Letter: Outside the gated communities (Post)
- 20161005 Letter: Puckett and finance reporting (Bell)
- 20161007 Liberty Utilities files motion to make water-system improvements
- 20161007 Letter: Puckett a scapegoat (Varga)
- 20161010 Letter: Truth about V and W (Bell)
- 20161011 Letter: The measure of a man (Varga)
- 20161011 Letter: A matter of trust (Schepis)
- 20161012 AVUTA endorses Measure W
- 20161012 Claremont Set To Raise Rates For Utilities
- 20161013 Ballot measures (Carloni)
- 20161014 Writ of mandate
- 20161016 Letter: Local control of water (Cambridge)
- 20161017 H2Own meeting
- 20161018 Will Apple Valley become California’s Flint, MI?
- 20161020 Yes on Measure V (video)
- 20161023 Letter: Supports Measure V (Schappert)
- 20161023 Measure W is wrong for Apple Valley (video)
- 20161025 Diving into Measure W
- 20161027 Liberty official kicked out of meeting
- 20161027 Letter: Utilities charges (Beattie)
- 20161028 Letter: Who do they serve? (Schepis)
- 20161102 Letter: Measure of a man (McCarthy)
- 20161102 Letter: Selling snake oil
- 20161102 Letter: Vote yes on Measure W (Farace)
- 20161103 Letter: Citizen awareness (Varga)
- 20161103 Letter: Distract to deceive (Piercy)
- 20161103 ‘Pay to Play’ suggested in Burrtec contributions to Town of Apple Valley-sponsored ballot measure in weeks leading up to 50-year lease deal
- 20161105 Money flows like water
- 20161110 Statement of tentative decision (Claremont v. Golden State Water)
- 20161110 Judge issues tentative decision against city in water system acquisition trial (Claremont v. Golden State Water)
- 20161111 Letter: Diving into shallow ‘W’ater
- 20161111 Measure V garnered 2,319 more yes votes than Measure W
- 20161113 Tuesday’s election results
- 20161114 Letter: ROI tells the real story (Orr)
- 20161116 Liberty sees Claremont’s eminent-domain loss as sign of things to come in Apple Valley
- 20161118 Liberty’s water rates to rise Jan. 1 in Apple Valley
- 20161118 Letter: The real ‘real’ story (Schepis)
- 20161121 Valley Voices: Voters show they want a say in water takeover issue (Hanson)
- 20161122 Letter: Liberty water (Heater)