Ballot measures (October 13, 2016)
Apple Valley Residents and Voters: I am personally taking this time to appeal to you to become informed and vote on November 8th. The residents of Apple Valley have three important measures to consider, Measure A, Measure V, and Measure W.
The battle between Measure V and Measure W is heated and as a strong proponent of Measure V, I wanted to provide you with some information and dispel some rumor. I am not going to tell you how to vote, I urge you to become educated and vote!
Measure V is, simply stated, the right of the residents to vote on and approve debt to be incurred by the Town. It does not delay projects unless the government fails to plan. It is not a measure against the taking of the water company by eminent domain, eminent domain moves forward anyway as it doesn’t need the vote of the people. Measure V is a check and balance on government spending. It is supported by both the Daily Press and the Inland Empire Taxpayer Association, as it just makes good sense.
Measure V is not funded by your water rates, but its campaign is funded by the Water Company, just as Prop 52 is funded by hospitals, No on Prop 61 is funded by Veterans and Doctors, and Measure W is funded by friends of the Town Council. There is no villain
because one supports a position.
Conversely, Measure W is a restatement of existing law and, in my opinion, a waste of our Town dollars in putting it on the ballot. Why do we have a measure, on the ballot that serves no purpose? The only answer can be to confuse the voter about Measure V.
Please consider ALL educational pieces on the measures. Whatever choice you ultimately make, make it an informed one!
Diana Carloni
Source: Facebook
Files related to Measure V
- 20150913 Commentary: Apple Valley water takeover plan: Know the full cost (Coupal)
- 20160621 Measure V
- 20160726 TOAV staff report on Measure V
- 20160831 Best supporters money can buy
- 20160831 Serious omission
- 20160831 Town paid more than $50K for ballot measure
- 20160904 Letter: Peter Allen supporting Measure V (Nassif)
- 20160906 Town business practices
- 20160908 Letter: Don’t waste your vote (Carloni)
- 20160911 Letter: Measure Waste (Carloni)
- 20160918 Our View: The right to vote on big projects
- 20160919 Support Measure V
- 20160923 Opinion: Measure V is for voting to ensure government is accountable (Mann)
- 20160924 Letter: Measure W (Piercy)
- 20160925 Opinion: Measure V respects Liberty Utilities customers’ rights (Sorensen)
- 20160929 Letter: Time to go (Varga)
- 20161002 Letter: Reject Measure W (Allan)
- 20161010 Letter: Truth about V and W (Bell)
- 20161011 Letter: The measure of a man (Varga)
- 20161018 Will Apple Valley become California’s Flint, MI?
- 20161020 Yes on Measure V (video)
- 20161023 Letter: Supports Measure V (Schappert)
- 20161025 Diving into the shallow waters of Measure W
- 20161102 Letter: Measure of a man (McCarthy)
- 20161102 No water in Measure W
- 20161103 More Measure W misdirection
- 20161103 No on W, Yes on V
- 20161105 Money flows like water
- 20161111 Letter: Diving into shallow ‘W’ater
- 20161111 Measure V garnered 2,319 more yes votes than Measure W
- 20161113 Tuesday’s election results
- 20161114 Measures V and W
- 20161115 Polls and votes
- 20161121 Voters show they want a say in water takeover issue (Hanson)