What if Apple Valley owned the municipal water system? (June 25, 2016)

By Kerry Henard

  • Wrong size sign post; doesn’t match the sign mount
  • Sign mount not secured to the sign post

Don’t laugh … it can happen. It has happened. You just saw it in the street sign video. Will it happen again if the Town owns the municipal water system? Maybe the guy who installed this street sign still works for the town?

Attn: Frank Robinson

Re: Your claim of a power surge by Edison that damaged your two pumps and associated electrical gear

Did the town file a claim with edison for reimbursement of the losses?

Your claim should be approximately $10,000–$11,000. The amount is substantial enough to file a claim. If you do not file a claim in the interest of reimbursement for the taxpayers of apple valley. You are not doing your job.

We are going to contact the city clerk for copies of the receipts for the alleged repairs. We are going to request a copy of the leiter sent to Edison asking for reimbursement of money losses.

Thanks for the new fence around the water tank at Horsemens’ Center … is the reason for the fence to stop the tank from rolling down onto the BMX track?

Videos by Kerry Henard