One man, two opinions (September 28, 2016)
In reading Town Councilman Curt Emick’s breathless defense of former Flint Finance Director Marc Puckett (Supports Marc Puckett
, 09/20), I have to wonder if we are talking about the same person. This is the same Marc Puckett who earlier this year falsely accused residents that submitted public records act requests of being paid shills
of the water company? The same Marc Puckett who spends two-thirds of his transparency report
presentations castigating residents who only want more real transparency — and accountability — out of their local government?
The Town of Apple Valley has dipped into its reserves every year for the last five years. The great recession technically ended six years ago, so any excuse for depleting our Town’s rainy day fund is long gone.
It was a fun fact
when the Flint Water Crisis hit and people realized that Puckett had worked for Flint. It was a more serious issue when it was uncovered that he had, undisputedly, mismanaged Flint’s finances so bad that it cost Flint taxpayers over a million dollars. I certainly didn’t know that, and I am sure 99.9 percent of Apple Valley residents didn’t.
Did Curt Emick know about it?
Kerry Henard, Apple Valley
Source: Daily Press