Town of Apple Valley ‘Going Green’ (June 29, 2016)

By Kerry Henard

Did you know that there’s a dump right here in Apple Valley? There is. It’s called the Horsemens’ Center, and it is listed as being one of the Town of Apple Valley’s premier parks.

Note that some of the items remaining in the burn pile are too large for permitted citizen burns. Therefore, the Town is not following recommended Fire Department procedure for burn piles, on top of failing to recycle (and using a public park as a dump site).

Town of Apple Valley Green Apple Program

Note also that the Town’s Going Green program includes preventative measures for storm water, even though the Town did virtually nothing to prepare for El Nino this last rainy season.

And as for helping to make a big difference, perhaps the Town could kick things off by stopping its flood-watering of sections of the golf course.

Videos by Kerry Henard