
Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability website

Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability on Facebook

Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company

Apple Valley Citizens Right to Vote on Debt (the only measure that guarantees your right to vote) (site archive)

Apple Valley Water Facts (site archive)

Audit Apple Valley

California Eminent Domain Handbook

Citizens for Water Freedom (site archive)

Kerry Henard’s Facebook page

Kerry Henard’s YouTube videos revealing Town waste and incompetence

H2Ours (site archive)

Liberty Utilities

Liberty Apple Valley

Liberty Apple Valley on Facebook

Mojave Water Agency

No on Measure F

Office of Ratepayer Advocates (site archive)

Town of Apple Valley

Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority (also Apple Valley Subregional Water Reclamation Facility)

E-mail your Town Council members today and tell them to stop this hostile government takeover:

Larry Cusack

Barb Stanton

Art Bishop

Curt Emick

Scott Nassif

Send an email or write a letter to the CPUC and tell them that representatives of the Town of Apple Valley do not represent you, and ask them to help stop this hostile government takeover:

Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: CPUC Public Advisor’s Office
505 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102-3214