Commentary archive
- Request for Public Records (Lee)
- Yet more violations (Lee)
- Profits are essential
- Time for the Town Council to listen for a change
- Facts, not fraud
- Response to Thomas Lecoq (Carloni)
- More Brown Act violations? (Lee)
- More AV hypocrisy
- Thawing the rate freeze
- Lowering water rates
- Town accounting (Lee)
- Time for a second opinion? (Carloni)
- Road to ruin
- Full employment for lawyers
- First water bill of 2017
- Request for Public Records: Contracts between the Town and BB&K
- Indirect comparisons are flawed
- Conflict of interest
- Response to Thomas Rice (Belna)
- Transparent AV (Rice)
- Apple Valley’s Fifth Column
- Short-sighted and biased (Lee)
- Request for Public Records: Contracts between Claremont and BB&K
- Big lie (McCarthy)
- Truth not tricks (Carloni)
- Old tricks
- Comments to the Town Council opposing the ballot measure (Carloni)
- Comments to the Town Council opposing the ballot measure (Hanson)
- Comments to the Town Council opposing the ballot measure (Henard)
- Comments to the Town Council opposing the ballot measure
- Response to 20/20 e-mail posting on
- Letter to the editor (Lee)
- Leaders and followers
- Missing water bill information
- Request for Public Records: Current bonds and transfers
- Request for Public Records: Barb Stanton on lowering water rates
- Price tag on the AV water takeover
- Request for Public Records: Opposition lead by Liberty Utilities
- TOAV financial health check (Rice)
- First things first
- Investigate the facts (Carloni)
- Award winning? (Lee)
- Fact-checking Barb Stanton
- Document review (Rice)
- Unaffordable at any price
- Request for public records: Bonds with non-30-year terms
- Filling in the facts
- Second water bill of 2017
- Great water takeover report (Rice)
- Apples and oranges
- Paper value of water (Rice)
- About those awards
- Far from negative
- Consider the alternative
- No on Measure F
- About those payroll expenses
- About those taxes
- Countering Tony Tyler (Lee)
- Water math
- ‘F’ stands for failure (Carloni)
- Politicizing water
- Who pays?
- Please approve Advice Letter 223-W
- Comparing analyses
- Someone else’s money
- Wrong on all counts
- How much money will really be available for debt service?
- Responding to claims made on Facebook
- Re: Scott Nassif and his facts (Rice)
- Experts you can trust
- At least Liberty Utilities has the facts on its side
- Promises, promises
- Voters beware! (Carloni)
- Measure F — Facts and personal attacks (Lee)
- Choose Liberty
- Failure of government
- The road to socialism
- Stop repeating nonsense
- ‘A better waste of life’
- Everything you need to know about the Town of Apple Valley’s claims
- Hidden costs, revisited
- We’re here to stay
- Tricks, lies, and dirty politics
- Negative payroll savings
- Significant errors
- I support Liberty Utilities in Proceeding A1704024
- Heed the warning signs
- Lopsided coverage
- Unfair reporting
- Historical takeover costs
- What about Liberty’s water rights?
- He’s gonna need a good lawyer
- Public trust destroyed (Carloni)
- Fourth water bill of 2017
- No honor among thieves
- Not paying attention
- False impressions (Carloni)
- Misplaced attentions (Rice)
- Fifth water bill of 2017
- Some ‘transparency’
- A question of character
- A preview of coming attractions (Belna)