Commentary archive
- Another costly day for Apple Valley
- A year of water bills
- Never satisfied
- Time to pay attention: An open letter to Larry Cusack
- No water in Measure W
- More Measure W misdirection
- No on W, Yes on V
- Rebuttal to Art Bishop
- Measures V and W
- Polls and votes
- Another false narrative
- Letter to Art Bishop
- Future sales tax measure (Lee)
- Water bill help
- The company he keeps
- Trick or treat time (Lee)
- TOAV can not balance numbers: FACTS (Rice)
- Scapegoat or conspirator?
- Water security
- F.U.D. (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)
- Local water
- Recent water bills (October 11, 2016)
- The business of water
- An open letter to Bill McDaniel
- Hidden future tax ballot measure (Lee)
- Unprepared: Wet or dry
- Diving into the shallow waters of Measure W
- Water bill surcharges
- Town business practices
- Sewer Assessment District 98-1 (Lee)
- Don’t waste your vote (Carloni)
- Spending addiction? (Lee)
- Water surcharges
- Earth to Puckett!
- ‘Award-winning’ budgets
- MIA from the ‘Transparency Report’
- Personal attacks?
- Support Measure V
- Adelanto water rates
- Proposed questions for the Apple Valley Candidate Forum
- The misdirection conspiracy
- Curious claim
- Another CYA testimonial
- Defending Puckett (Carloni)
- Good Old Boys’ Club
- Public Records Request: ‘Standing offers’
- Public Records Request: ‘Records requests’
- Public Records Request: ‘Shills’
- Water won’t wash out red ink (Lee)
- Water system maintenance
- More falsehoods
- Public Records Request: ‘Documents supporting claims of rate reductions’
- To be, or not to be … transparent (Lee)
- The all-consuming council
- The future of transparency
- No respect, no local control
- Vague promises
- A tangled web
- Who is a ‘town employee’? (Lee)
- Recent water bills (August 10, 2016)
- Best supporters money can buy
- Serious omission
- All things considered
- Conflict of interest (Manning)
- Do the right thing (Manning)
- Hot under the collar (Carloni)
- Vote no on the Town staff’s ballot measure proposal
- Better than what?
- Comparing transparency
- Drought planning
- One more reason to oppose a takeover
- Liberty is the best alternative
- The truth shall set you free
- Recent water bills (June 13, 2016)
- Letter: You must be very proud, Barb
- Alternative water suppliers
- Letter: What are you going to do about this?
- Communication breakdown
- Local control will be the death of us
- Is your bias showing?
- Doubling the cost
- Sassafras
- Weigh your sources
- Corrosive centralization
- Rates vs. costs
- Shooting the lawyers first
- Utility bill assistance
- Hook-up payments
- Inflated acquisition costs
- CPUC vs. Flint
- Back on track
- Shill crazy after all these years
- One PRR story: American Express (CC)
- About my public records requests (Lee)
- Why don’t conservatives embrace capitalism?
- Transparency for all
- The cost of misunderstanding
- The cat is out of the bag!
- Divide and conquer
- Oh, Canada!
- Municipal Finance 101 (CC)
- Gaffe riot
- Satire: Town Council to end rent profiteering
- Satire: Town moves to buy Verizon
- What ‘they’ won’t tell you, Part 1
- Average water use
- Conflating facts
- Rate increases
- Whole new situation, whole new set of lies
- Whole new situation, same old lies
- So much for all that support
- Political posturing
- Water rate recap
- What ‘they’ won’t tell you, Part 2
- What ‘they’ won’t tell you, Part 3
- Thank you, Apple Valley Ranchos
- What ‘they’ won’t tell you, Part 4