Yet more violations (January 10, 2017)
Your recent article (Court: Apple Valley Town Council violated Brown Act in 2013 with Walmart MOU,
Daily Press, January 6, 2017) is just another example of the double standards of a Town Council that shows no regard for the law. Although the Town attacked the recent citizen initiative (Measure V), in part because Liberty Utilities provided $2-300,000 in its support, the Town had no objection to Walmart, from 2011 through 2013, putting up in excess of $1.6 million to support the initiative and Town Crier, Pat Orr’s, ballot measure committee (Apple Valley Consumers for Choice), this according to Walmart Major Donor disclosures on the state website.
I have to wonder what the Town paid in legal fees to pursue another losing legal battle in the courts. Is anyone keeping a tally on the cost of their losses with only a $45,000 budget contingency for litigation?
Many were surprised this was still a legal case pursued by the Town, especially with it going through the superior court, and then the appeal court, and not appearing on the Council closed session agendas. More Brown Act violations?
Leane Lee, Apple Valley, CA
Published: Daily Press, January 15, 2017.