Transparent AV (February 27, 2017)
The Town recently issued a call for everyone to come to the February 23rd council meeting and express his support regarding the proposed seizure of Liberty Apple Valley. No one showed up, despite the Town’s assurances that they have overwhelming popular opinion on their side.
There were two video presentations, but neither is available on TOAV website for public scrutiny. Are more public records requests now needed so we will have access to these public budget and foundation million dollar details? The last one took weeks to post.
Auditor’s Report and Annual Report dated December 23rd are found in the Financial section of the Town’s website, but when were they posted and when did they go before Council and public view?
Mr. Robinson spoke recently about vacant land parcel lots, which has been a topic for 60+ years in Apple Valley. What about the important Case-Shiller home price index numbers and growth projections? Is his speech going to be placed on Town’s website for taxpayers, or was this just a pump for the high desert realtor audience? Does he have any facts to share?
— Al Rice, Apple Valley