TOAV can not balance numbers: FACTS (October 6, 2016)
The July 14, 2015, Agenda included 261 warrants (checks) totaling $1,622,376.29 submitted for approval with the staff comment Inadvertantly omitted.
This report also contained 57 PROBABLE duplicate checks — this situation has not been corrected yet, after 15 months in public or Council vote. Two checks were issued to appraiser of Hilltop House in amount of $4,000 each. A critical financial deficiency and still balance the books
? A duplicative (check) commercial warrant register error and a totally incorrect warrant register several months before also have not been corrected. Does the Council or public care or perform any due diligence? Each check has signature lines for the Mayor and Manager, but a true rubber stamp is used (few original signatures) of either responsible party. Confidence or trust in finances? Does anyone other than one financial person even review/audit the details in the backup invoices that come from various departments? Rubber stamping of warrant register is a step in the Council’s Consent Agenda consensus vote.
Electronic money (wire) transfers are frequently used to pay selected vendor bills and these annual unreported expenditures involve millions of dollars annually but do not appear and get any public disclosure consideration and are not approved by any vote of consensus by the Town Council or receive any public transparent view. How does the taxpayer public respond? We frequently learn about other organization getting convictions from similar abuses and/or neglects? The September 13 agenda has checks prepared in July; is this acceptable Cash Flow? How do the TOAV financial numbers balance?
The above details were observed directly by a former corporate accountant.
— Al Rice, Apple Valley