More Measure W misdirection (November 3, 2016)
Rick Piercy deceptively claims that Measure W is a vote by the people of Apple Valley to move ahead with taking back our water from a foreign corporation (Distract to deceive,
Daily Press, November 3, 2016).
Given that Piercy is one of the leaders of a group urging the passage of Measure W, you would assume he has read and understands what he’s promoting. His letter shows the opposite. Measure W has nothing to do with water. The word water
doesn’t even appear in the text of the measure. The linkage between Measure W and water was purposely created as a false narrative by those in Town Hall as part of a cynical ploy to mislead voters.
Then Piercy repeats another falsehood — which also originated at Town Hall — about Liberty Utilities’ future profits. This has been debunked so many times that only someone willfully ignorant could believe it, and only someone utterly untrustworthy could continue to promulgate it.
Not to let facts get in the way, Piercy also regurgitates the falsehood that Liberty’s expenditures on Measure V will be reflected in our water rates, even though this would never be attempted by Liberty Utilities, and would never be allowed by the CPUC.
Perhaps the biggest whopper, though, is Piercy’s claim that Proposition 218 somehow protects ratepayers in Apple Valley. If that were true, the Town wouldn’t be the defendant in a multi-million dollar lawsuit over the Town council’s multiple infractions of Proposition 218. But given the fact that his organization received tens of thousands of dollars in a pay-to-play deal involving the Town, I don’t suppose we should expect him to be forthcoming about this, should we?
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.
Files related to Measure V
- 20150913 Commentary: Apple Valley water takeover plan: Know the full cost (Coupal)
- 20160621 Measure V
- 20160726 TOAV staff report on Measure V
- 20160831 Best supporters money can buy
- 20160831 Serious omission
- 20160831 Town paid more than $50K for ballot measure
- 20160904 Letter: Peter Allen supporting Measure V (Nassif)
- 20160906 Town business practices
- 20160908 Letter: Don’t waste your vote (Carloni)
- 20160911 Letter: Measure Waste (Carloni)
- 20160918 Our View: The right to vote on big projects
- 20160919 Support Measure V
- 20160923 Opinion: Measure V is for voting to ensure government is accountable (Mann)
- 20160924 Letter: Measure W (Piercy)
- 20160925 Opinion: Measure V respects Liberty Utilities customers’ rights (Sorensen)
- 20160929 Letter: Time to go (Varga)
- 20161002 Letter: Reject Measure W (Allan)
- 20161010 Letter: Truth about V and W (Bell)
- 20161011 Letter: The measure of a man (Varga)
- 20161018 Will Apple Valley become California’s Flint, MI?
- 20161020 Yes on Measure V (video)
- 20161023 Letter: Supports Measure V (Schappert)
- 20161025 Diving into the shallow waters of Measure W
- 20161102 Letter: Measure of a man (McCarthy)
- 20161102 No water in Measure W
- 20161103 More Measure W misdirection
- 20161103 No on W, Yes on V
- 20161105 Money flows like water
- 20161111 Letter: Diving into shallow ‘W’ater
- 20161111 Measure V garnered 2,319 more yes votes than Measure W
- 20161113 Tuesday’s election results
- 20161114 Measures V and W
- 20161115 Polls and votes
- 20161121 Voters show they want a say in water takeover issue (Hanson)
Files related to the 14 percent
- 20160126 Ranchos Acquisition Efforts Transparency Report
- 20160222 The cat is out of the bag!
- 20160225 Gaffe riot
- 20160413 Mailer: New name. Same old game.
- 20160425 Gaffe riot — revisited
- 20160506 E-mail: Video clip (Penna)
- 20160506 Re: Video Clip (Martin)
- 20160223 Liberty Apple Valley rebuttal to TOAV misrepresentation
- 20160525 Re: Video clip (Penna)
- 20160913 Transparency Report
- 20160915 Apple Valley’s water transparency report reveals price tag at $1.5 million
- 20160916 MIA from the ‘Transparency Report’
- 20161004 The company he keeps
- 20161017 An open letter to Bill McDaniel
Files related to the Proposition 218 issue
- Op-ed: Privatization not always the best course (Nassif)
- Proposition 218: No real protection in Apple Valley
- It’s not personal, it’s just business
- Dear Resident
- Water utility oversight
Sewer rates
- Request for Public Records: Waste water and Sewer rates (KKBS)
- Town of Apple Valley water company takeover
- Is TOAV being investigated for Proposition 218 violations?
- Where there’s smoke …
- Letter re: Proposition 218 violations (KKBS)
- Town of Apple Valley’s sewer rate increases called illegal by law firm
- What is Proposition 218?
- Verified petition for writ of mandate to order compliance with California Public Records Act: CIVDS1517800 (KKBS)
- Verified petition for writ of mandate and complaint for declaratory relief: CIVDS1604968 (KKBS)
- Lawsuit against Apple Valley alleges Prop 218 violations related to Wastewater Division
- Writ of mandate
- Letter: Of refunds and requests (Bonson)
Trash rates
- Verified petition for writ of mandate; and complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief and refund of illegal fees and charges: CIVDS1725027 (KKBS)
- Order preliminarily approving class action settlement, provisionally certifying settlement class, and directing notice to class: CIVDS1725027 (KKBS)
- Town of Apple Valley likely to settle in trash rate lawsuit