Oh, Canada! (February 23, 2016)
Letter writer Richard Turnbull, who supports the Town of Apple Valley’s seizure of Liberty Apple Valley, seems to be stuck in 1866, when Canada was still part of the British Empire (Ransom for water,
Daily Press, February 23, 2016). A lot has changed since then.
Canada is now our largest trading partner after the European Union. We share the world’s longest land border, which is largely secure. They have been a staunch ally in war and in peace. Canada even harbored six of our diplomats during the Iranian hostage crisis, and aided in their eventual escape.
Yet Turnbull follows the lead of the Town Council in attacking Canada and Canadians with misguided attempts at xenophobia. Believe it or not, Turnbull once wrote, Scapegoating these people and their children is the way of Hitler; the wall to keep them out will be the wall to keep us in; unionize both sides of the border.
He was referring to immigrants from Mexico then. If only he had similar compassion for our friends from the north.
Liberty Utilities, the new owner of what we used to call Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company, currently operates in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, and Texas, delivering quality water, gas, and water distribution services to more than half a million customers in small and mid-sized communities across the United States. Their corporate culture includes a local approach to management, service, and support — AKA local control. It is registered in the United States, where it has its offices.
I for one am grateful that Liberty Utilities has chosen to invest millions in our community. In addition, I am grateful they have chosen to oppose the egregious government overreach that is the hallmark of this age of Obama. Residents of Apple Valley are fortunate indeed to have Liberty Utilities fighting an all-consuming government, especially considering that far too many Americans seem to have forgotten that we did not gain our freedoms without a fight, nor will we long enjoy them if we cede to government all the freedoms once won.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.
Published: Daily Press, March 2, 2016