TOAV’s comments on the joint motion of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates, Liberty Utilities Co., Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, Park Water Company (U 314 W), and AVRWC (U-346-W) for approval of settlement agreement: Application 1411013 (June 29, 2015)
Files related to the CPUC application 1411013
- 20150316 CPUC meeting transcript: Application 1411013
- 20150529 Joint Motion of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates, Liberty Utilities Co., Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, Park Water Company (U 314 W), and AVRWC (U-346-W) for approval of settlement agreement: Application 1411013
- CPUC: Please grant the joint motion: Application 1411013
- 20150624 Joint status update of the ORA, LU, Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, PWC (U 314 W), and AVRWC (U-346-W): Application 1411013
- 20150625 Status update: Application 1411013
- 20150629 TOAV’s comments on the joint motion of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates, Liberty Utilities Co., Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, Park Water Company (U 314 W), and AVRWC (U-346-W) for approval of settlement agreement: Application 1411013
- 20150709 Reply comments by Liberty Utilities Co., Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, Park Water Company (U 314 W), and AVRWC (U-346-W) in support of settling parties’ joint motion for approval of settlement agreement: Application 1411013
- 20151207 Decision adopting the settlement agreement and conditionally approving the application: Application 1411013 (CPUC)
- 20151228 Decision adopting the settlement agreement and conditionally approving the application: Application 1411013
- 20160105 CPUC approves Ranchos sale