Decision adopting the settlement agreement and conditionally approving the application: Application 1411013 (December 28, 2015)


  1. The proposed settlement agreement of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates with Liberty Utilities Co, Liberty WWH, Inc., Western Water Holdings, LLC, Park Water Company, and Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company, is attached and incorporated as Appendix A to this decision and is approved and adopted.
  2. Pursuant to Public Utilities Code Sections 851, 852, and 854, the merger of Liberty WWH, Inc. with and into Western Water Holdings, LLC. is conditionally authorized, subject to the 26 Regulatory Commitments detailed in Appendix A to this decision.
  3. Hearings are not necessary.
  4. Application 14-11-013 is closed. This decision is effective today.

Dated December 17, 2015, at San Francisco, California.


Appendix A

Appendix B