Documents and reference materials
- 20150201 Here’s How to Fix Flint’s Water System: Privatize It
- 20160201 Apple Valley Ranchos’ name changes
- 20160201 Acquisition costs top $1 million
- 20160202 Commentary: Attorney General reins in shady bond practices (Coupal)
- 20160203 Conservation down again in Dec.
- 20160205 Water takeover costs
- 20160207 Letter: CPUC vs. Flint (Stockman)
- 20160207 Our View: Delays in releasing public records shameful
- 20160207 Commentary: Don’t blow up the CPUC, overhaul it (Tucker)
- 20160207 Varying levels found in study
- 20160210 Apple Valley official claims some residents bought by Liberty
- 20160210 Is transparency a one-way street? (Orr)
- 20160213 Liberty Apple Valley kicks off 2016 conservation program with high-efficiency toilet giveaway
- 20160214 Letter: Apple Valley newsletter (Mueller)
- 20160214 Adelanto: City seeks water rate study
- 20160212 Proposed amicus brief in support of real parties in interest
- 20160216 VWD Water Rate Study: Workshop
- 20160217 Letter: Roads and water (Post)
- 20160217 Victorville Water District: Council talks rate increases
- 20160218 How can conservatives embrace eminent domain? (Orr)
- 20160223 LAV Answer: CIVDS1600180
- 20160223 Letter: Ransom for water (Turnbull)
- 20160223 Letter: Shills for Ranchos (Christman)