Rising rates (June 7, 2015)
Brad Triska blames Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company’s profit motive for doubling his water rates over the last ten years (Letters to the Editor: 06-05-15). I submit that Mr. Triska should have checked the rate increase on his sewer bill, which has also doubled over that same period of time, even though those rates are set by the Town Council of Apple Valley.
Furthermore, if Mr. Triska wants rate stability, he’s looking in the wrong place if he expects the Town to provide that. The Town has already announced that it will not be reducing rates, and it will not commit to keeping rates stable.
Referring to Apple Valley’s Vision 2020 roadmap for the future, we can see that point eight is, Explore options for departments to provide revenue-generating services. Identify potential revenue streams in both public and private sectors.
With or without the profit motive, if Mr. Triska thinks water is expensive now, he may be shocked when he sees should water ever come under the control of the Town Council.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.