Apple Valley town government drops bomb (August 13, 2015)

Takeover spending much higher than previously estimated.
Nearly $1.5 million already spent, with a budget of over $3 million — mainly on high cost lawyers.
Apple Valley’s Town Government recently released its ironically named Transparency Report
— where it says it has spent over a million dollars already on a campaign to take over a private company, and plans on spending millions more.
The Town government’s ‘Transparency Report’ should be a shock to any taxpayer and raises more questions than it answers. This reckless spending only reinforces the widely held view that a takeover by the town will result in higher rates, higher taxes and fees for all citizens,
said Tony Penna, General Manager of Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company. At best one might conclude that the $3.2 million budget is a very expensive attack on a private business and more than $1.4 million dollars has been solely directly or indirectly spent to perpetuate a campaign of misinformation to mislead voters.
The number that the Town says it has spent relating to the takeover has increased over time.
In February, it was only $177,238.
In March, it was less then $250,000, according to Town Manager Frank Robinson.
The Town Council, when presented with the numbers, tried to blame the outrageous price tag on citizens who had requested documents the Town didn't readily post on its website.
You can view the entire presentation with Council comments by clicking here.
Are Apple Valley taxpayers willing to subsidize millions of dollars in a long, costly, and divisive eminent domain process?
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