AVRWC replaces major water pipeline (July 11, 2012)

APPLE VALLEY, Calif. — Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company (Ranchos) announced today that it is installing a larger underground water pipeline on Highway 18. The new larger, 20 and 24 inch, pipelines will continue along outer Highway 18 from the Hill Top Tank, adjacent to the historic Apple Valley Inn, to Lions Park replacing two smaller pipes nearing the end of their serviceable life.
Earlier this year, American Water Works Association, a nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water, reported that in order to maintain current levels of service, water systems across the United States will need to invest nearly $1 trillion over the next 25 years.
The north side pipeline construction began in early June. Ranchos expects to complete the project in August. The investment in the project is approximately $900,000 dollars and is a significant part of nearly $6 million dollars Ranchos plans to spend on infrastructure improvements in Apple Valley throughout 2012.
Much of our system was installed when we had only a portion of the number of customers we have today.
said Superintendent of Operations, Jerry Bender. Replacing aging pipes has to be done now to maintain system flow and reliability and meet the future needs of the community.
Bender went on to discuss the importance of safety and fire protection and how Ranchos is adding four fire hydrants to the system in connection with this project. Ranchos is working diligently to stay ahead of end of life infrastructure issues. Earlier this year Ranchos replaced and upsized the pipeline on the west side of the Hill Top Tank to Rancherias Road.
We have a progressive plan to replace ailing infrastructure,
said General Manager, Scott Weldy. Ensuring continued reliability and delivering high quality water to customers requires continued investment in new infrastructure.
About Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company
Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company delivers safe, reliable water and exceptional service to about 20,000 connections, about 63,000 people, in the Town of Apple Valley and parts of San Bernardino County communities. Additional information may be found by visiting avrwater.com.