Measure F (April 27, 2017)
When considering Measure F, I see three choices: One choice is to continue the regularly inconsistent rate increases in our water rates because Liberty Utilities (headquartered out of state) is guaranteed a rate of return that exceeds 9 percent above their costs. We do this by defeating Measure F. I expect that all the advertising costs against this measure will be included in a future rate increase by Liberty Utilities.
A second choice is to do nothing and let the management and employees of Liberty dictate how our lives will be run — results are the same as the choice above.
The logical choice is to approve Measure F, allowing the Town of Apple Valley to take over the water company (headquartered in Apple Valley) which will not have any guaranteed rate of return. In effect, the water company will belong to the residents/ratepayers and be under local control. Voters can elect their own representatives, or replace them if they do not represent our interests.
When I think about the recent mandated water conservation I recall that Adelanto absorbed
the reduced revenues when their residents conserved water while Apple Valley ratepayers paid more for using less because Liberty got a surcharge increase
from the CPUC to maintain their profits. Which entity, does one think, really had their customers in mind?
That’s the way I see Measure F. We will deserve what we get if we fail to VOTE!
Jim Perdue, Apple Valley
Source: Daily Press