Things we learned in 2015 — maybe (December 30, 2015)
Clearly, the initiative to let voters decide Town of Apple Valley spending limits is a sham to use democracy
as a way to protect what the Carlyle Group owns. The problem is you may as well disincorporate and give Apple Valley back to the county if the voters will have to go to the polls every time the Council wants to spend serious money on roads, drainage, bridges, sidewalks and other infrastructure projects.
Clearly, we do not need any council members if a majority of voters will not trust them to make spending priority decisions. It’s a sad prostitution of the process that elections can be created and qualified by special interests for their own financial benefit because they can afford it. If this makes it to the ballot, we will be funding both sides of the campaign — again.
Enjoy the gift. Happy New Year!
Source: Pat Orr, Apple Valley Review,
Dec 30