AVRWC replacing water mains in town (September 27, 2015)
Two water service projects by Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company are underway to further improve the quality of water service, as well as the fire-fighting capabilities, in Apple Valley. The Nanticoke Road project has begun with an expected completion date of Nov. 13 at a cost of approximately $475,000. The project will replace 3,168 feet of 8-inch pipe, 1,202 feet of 6-inch pipe, and add six fire hydrants and 45 new services. For the Seneca Road project, Ranchos Water is replacing 200 feet of 4-inch steel main with 12-inch ductile iron pipe and adding 610 feet of 12-inch main, as well as installing a fire hydrant on Seneca Road. This project started on Sept. 21 and will take approximately two weeks to complete at a cost of $140,000.
Source: Daily Press