Letter: TOAV operates in bad faith (July 9, 2015)

The Town of Apple Valley recently published on its website a letter that because of actions taken by the Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company the Town will face a quadrupling of costs associated with watering James Woody Park. Those of us who live in the Town know that the Little League plays baseball there, so kids are going to be hurt by the decision by Ranchos to end what I call a price break on water charges related to watering the turf. The formal term is a tariff deviation. The Town also enjoys a tariff deviation at their Apple Valley Golf Course, but for how much longer I wonder? (Editor’s note: The California Public Utilities Commission approved ending that tariff too. See the front-page story in Wednesday’s paper.)

The Town release says Ranchos has done this in retaliation for the Town’s active pursuit of a condemnation to take a private company away from its owners. Has the Town ever heard the legal terms, operating with malice and in bad faith? What did the Town expect Ranchos to do when our elected officials have smeared the reputation of a water company that has provided good service for decades, but because of drought and market forces, must respond to falling revenues as a result of reduced water use? Losing money has become a standard at the town of Apple Valley.

— David Mueller, Apple Valley

Source: Daily Press