AVRWC’s sister company goes to Montana court (March 17, 2015)
Missoula attempting to acquire water company through condemnation
MISSOULA, MONTANA — While an application to possibly transfer Western Water Holdings LLC — owner of Park Water Co.’s Apple Valley Ranchos Water Co. — to Liberty Utilities unfold in California, another Park Water holding goes into a Montana courtroom Wednesday.
Playing out in a District Court historic courtroom will be a condemnation trial to determine the public necessity for the City of Missoula to acquire Mountain Water Co., and establish its fair-market value if the city has a right to take it.
The case is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. (Pacific) Wednesday, with Judge Karen Townsend presiding. The case will continue Thursday, Friday, Monday and March 25, 26, 27 and 30, and April 1 and 2. A break for lunch is expected to last 60 to 90 minutes, and then adjournment will fall between 3:30 and 4 p.m., Ginny Merriam, public information/communications director for the City of Missoula, said.
To view a live stream of the trial, go to mcat.org, pull down Video On Demand and select Local Live.
The judge’s ruling, if it allows a taking of Mountan Water Co., may impact the value of remaining Park Water properties, according to Town of Apple Valley officials.
She can take as long as she wants
to pronounce judgment, Merriam said.
Gary Brodeur may be contacted at 760-951-6245 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @DP_gbrodeur.
Source: Gary Brodeur, Daily Press