Two vs. two on A.V. Council (August 15, 2012)

Mayor: ‘The gloves are off’

APPLE VALLEY • Tensions ran high, as agitated audience members watched an equally frustrated Apple Valley Town Council attempt to discuss the replacement of resigned member Ginger Coleman during Tuesday night’s meeting.

The Council’s inability to see eye-to-eye on filling the various committee and commission seats left vacant by Coleman set a hostile tone for the rest of the evening and was a precursor of things to come.

Mayor Barb Stanton and Councilman Rick Roelle supported having former Councilman Bob Sagona serve until someone is seated following November elections. However, Councilmen Scott Nassif and Curt Emick rejected Sagona’s appointment and it died 2-2.

Nassif and Emick agreed that Sagona would be a good selection, but the two council members said the position should remain vacant, with Nassif calling a decision to fill the seat counter productive with only three months until the elections.

Stanton said certain council members were fearful that something may come forward that may take control from them.

Let’s just bring it right out in the open and call it the golf course — call it what it is, Stanton said. The gloves are kinda off tonight, after what I’ve seen with my colleagues.

Roelle and Stanton have both taken positions in the past against the town continuing to run Apple Valley Golf Course, but their motions died 3-2 with Coleman, Nassif and Emick in favor of the arrangement. Roelle and Sagona were in the same losing position under the previous council, after the town’s purchase of the failing course was approved in 2008.


Source: Rene De La Cruz, Daily Press