Poor all-knowing Pat Orr (December 8, 2015)
Poor all-knowing Pat Orr. In the Apple Valley Review, he wrote, Really, what did we learn at the Apple Valley Town Council’s special meeting Tuesday regarding the ongoing Water Wars? Well, not much that we didn’t already know.
(What did the ‘special meeting’ on water tell us?
, November 23, 2015).
It’s difficult to know who constitutes Pat Orr’s we,
but those of us who have been paying attention knew for a certainty that the Town Council would be voting to proceed with condemnation proceedings against Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company, and they did.
Thus, it was indeed no surprise. Thus, there was nothing anyone could have said or done (within reason) to change the predetermined outcome of the meeting. Thus, those who spoke passionately against the incredible greed of the Apple Valley Town Council could not have said or done anything to hurt the anti-government cause.
For a self-described political junkie such as Pat Orr to have such a tenuous grasp of the local politics of the area in which he lives is sad indeed.
Poor Pat.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.