Why weigh both sides? (October 8, 2015)
I was interesting to read that Assemblyman Jay Obernolte (R-Hesperia) says that residents of Apple Valley should weigh both sides
of the proposed hostile takeover of Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company by the Town of Apple Valley (Assemblyman discusses benefits, pitfalls of water system acquisition,
Daily Press, October 8, 2015).
There’s just one question: Why?
Town officials have already made it clear that they don’t intend to bring this up for a vote, which explains why they have instituted a massive misinformation campaign to drum up support on this issue, and refuse to face Ranchos in a public forum to discuss the issues.
The Town’s no brains, no headaches
approach to dealing with residents obviates any need for facts or truth or thinking, any of which might prove inconvenient vis-à-vis the Town’s plans.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.