Waiting for 2046 (October 8, 2015)
It was revealing to read that Assemblyman Jay Obernolte (R-Hesperia) said As a result of that we [in Big Bear] had to issue bonds to fund that (price) and we have been repaying those bonds for the last 25 years. In 2019 — finally — the last of those bonds is going to roll off and we’re going to be able to lower our rates to what they should have been all along.
(Assemblyman discusses benefits, pitfalls of water system acquisition,
Daily Press, October 8, 2015).
Just as revealing was the information that Mayor Pro Tem Barb Stanton believes water rates will go down once the town pays off a bond that would be used for the purchase
of Ranchos here in Apple Valley — that’s the first time anyone from the Town has made public that part of the Town’s takeover plans.
Of course, this is still all just smoke and mirrors. With all due respect to Assemblyman Obernolte, it’s easy to say that rates might go down four years hence when you are not one of those making the decision. Likewise, it’s pretty easy for Stanton to promise that if you think your water rates are too high now, all you have to do is support the Town’s hostile takeover of Ranchos, and in 2046, well, maybe there will be a way of lowering your rates. Until then, of course, the Town thanks you very much for your support … and your business.
At the very least, somebody should forward this admission against interest by our Mayor Pro Tem over to the Department of Propaganda for the Town of Apple Valley. Maybe then they would stop misleading residents into thinking that the Town is going to be their source of relief from allegedly high water rates. But I’m not holding my breath: The Town’s seizure of Ranchos isn’t about water, it’s about money.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.