Lowering water rates (July 10, 2015)
Apple Valley Town council member Scott Nassif’s recent letter takes Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company to task for pointing out that the Town will not be lowering water rates (It’s about rate stabilization,
Daily Press, July 9, 2015).
Nassif’s point is that Ranchos is wasting money telling people what they already know. But do they?
One of the main points Town representatives hammer away at again and again is the cost of water under Ranchos’ stewardship. Any reasonable person would infer that this must mean that the Town means to lower rates after taking control of the town’s water utility. In fact, while Nassif, former council member (and candidate) Rick Roelle, and the Town’s own website point out that the Town almost certainly will not be lowering rates, at the Environmental Impact Report meeting held at Town Hall on July 7th, Assistant Town Manager responded to this statement by calling a citizen a liar for saying this.
Let’s hope that Nassif is at least as stern with this member of his own staff, as that staff member was in defaming an informed and knowledgeable citizen, in a public meeting.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.