Pool party (June 2, 2015)
Anyone hoping to evaluate the promises being made by the Town of Apple Valley about the nirvana that awaits residents once the town seizes control of Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company should first cast his mind back to recall the promises previously made by the town.
For example, anyone remember how wonderful it was going to be for the TOAV to buy the Apple Valley Country Club? The TOAV posted on its website:
The AVCC includes an 18-hole golf course with pro shop, two lighted tennis courts, swimming pool, dining room and lounge, and meeting rooms. All amenities will be made available for public use.
Ah, a swimming pool. Sure, it was in rough shape when the Town took over, but certainly by now, when the facility is almost
breaking even, and the Town has (finally) secured its own water supply for the Country Club / Golf Course, it must be completely restored and ready for public use, right?
Uh, not really.

Can’t wait until these same people are running our water system, huh?
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.