Where is Barb Stanton when we need her? #SpeakUpBarb (May 26, 2015)
For the past two years, the Town Council has seen little discussion and even far less dissent on the dais on major issues. And they’re proud of it. No discussion means no dissent, and no dissent means weak opposition when election time comes around. All three incumbents were re-elected last year, and a large part of that is the lack of any galvanizing issue of importance for Apple Valley voters.
For the two years prior to 2012 though, there was healthy discussion on every major issue before the Council. From Sitting Bull development to business signage, there was discussion, and sometimes, there was healthy dissent.
Where did most of the discussion, and a dose of healthy dissent, come from?
Mayor Pro Tem (and then Mayor) Barb Stanton.
In the past two years though, she’s been somewhat silent, and she’s been not vociferous enough on the issue of a hostile government takeover Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company.
Where is the Barb Stanton who said I believe we have no business in business
Where is the Barb Stanton who first won election due to her opposition to the Town purchasing the golf course? Who was constantly and consistently opposed to the $4 million that has been invested by taxpayers in the golf course to operate a private business?
Where is the Barb Stanton who said a vote for her was a vote for LIMITING TAXES in Apple Valley, and moving forward in a responsible manner
? (Emphasis in the original.)
On April 28th, at the Town’s special meeting on acquisition, Barb did ask a question about whether there was a contingency plan if things didn’t go as planned. Assistant Town Manager Dennis Cron did NOT give her an answer.
Yet, she did not demand that he give her one.
So I’d like to propose a hashtag campaign — #SpeakUpBarb.
How much money are you willing to let the Town’s Attorney spend on this?
Do you support eminent domain of a private business?
Do you think the government can do a better job than the private sector?
Will you place a spending cap on this endeavor?
Do you oppose companies from outside of San Bernardino County owning businesses in Apple Valley?
#SpeakUpBarb, we need to know the answers to these and other questions.
— Greg Raven is Co-Chair of Apple Valley Citizens for Government Accountability, and is concerned about quality of life issues.