Letter to the CPUC (April 25, 2015)
Dear CPUC,
I am writing today to tell you I am utterly opposed to the Town of Apple Valley’s hostile takeover attempt of Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company.
I could go on for hours about my reasons for opposing the Town on this, and in fact, have created a website just to hold all the information surrounding this issue:
However, it comes down to this: I don’t trust the Town of Apple Valley. I don’t trust what they say. I don’t trust the way they say it. I’ve caught them in numerous lies, deceptions, and attempts to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt. If this were a normal business transaction, there would be no need for the Town to engage in such a virulent, vitriolic, divisive propaganda campaign, especially considering that the target is a long-time local business — one of the oldest in the region.
The simple fact that the Town has difficulty telling the truth about the process, their motives, their ability to afford this seizure, and even the alleged benefits, indicates that there is something else going on: The Town has a secondary agenda for seizing Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company, for an agenda it has yet to make public. And whatever that agenda is, it bodes ill for me and the other citizens of Apple Valley.
Therefore, I urge you to do everything in your power to stop the Town of Apple Valley from this maniacal quest, and from spending further millions on its relentless bullying of Ranchos Water Company.
Thank you.
Greg Raven
Apple Valley, CA